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Hi-Cote is a specialized fertilizer covered with a material that facilitates the gradual release of nutrients, ensuring a continuous and optimal nutrient supply throughout the plant's growth period.

Controlled Release Fertilizer

Hi-Cote is a polymer-coated fertilizer, thoughtfully crafted to enhance nutrient delivery to your crops. By employing a specialized floating-bed coating technique, we ensure each granule is evenly coated, leading to a more onsistent nutrient release. This attention to detail helps to significantly reduce the risk of fertilizer dumping, a challenge often faced during extreme weather conditions. With Hi-Cote, you’re not just fertilizing your crops, you’re investing in a legacy of rich, sustainable growth for years to come.

Key Features

  • Solid and uniform polymer coating allows for precisely controlled nutrient release over time.
  • Suppresses early nutrient release to prevent seed damage caused by N (Sigmoid type).
  • Customizable formula available for varying temperature and moisture level up to 360 days.
  • Decreases nitrogen leaching and volatilization.
  • Available with DAP, MAP, SOP, MOP, and urea.

Hi-COTE Coating Process

The CRF Coating Process involves spraying of coating material onto a fertilizer granule, resulting in the formation of a coating capsule.
The uniformity and accuracy of Nousbo CRF are achieved through the application of a special coating technology.

01. Spraying

02. Adhesion

03. Coated Particle

How do CRFs work?

Nutrient release of Hi-COTE

Nutrient release of the CRF occurs in three steps: Moisture penetration into the capsule; Fertilizer Dissolution; Nutrients release by osmotic pressure. When granules are applied to the soil, water penetrates into the granules and dissolves nutrients, which are later gradually release into the soil.


Moisture Penetration


Fertilizer dissolving


Nutrients Release

Growth Pattern Alignment

Nutrients release after the temperature reaches seed sprouting levels and follow the corn growth pattern.

The coating material controls water penetration and availability of nutrients in forms preferred by plants, that result in maximizing crop yields. Compared to slow release fertilizer, CRF is not affected by soil pH, salt damage, activity of microorganisms, oxidation, etc.

Why Should use CRF?

Quality control

  • Precise and uniform coating technology
  • Guaranteed longevity (according to plant needs)

High Fertilizer Utilization and
Economical Efficiency

  • Increases utilization by reducing fertilizer loss (leaching, volatilization, etc.)
  • Reduces total fertilizer use

Labor Saving

  • One time application provides all NPK requirements until harvesting
  • Eliminates the need for additional top dressing


  • Reduces groundwater pollution
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emission














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HI-COTE Oil Palm

17-8-8+4MgO / 15-15-6+3MgO



HI-COTE Vegetables










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HI-COTE Home & Garden



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13-5-6+ME / 2~3months






Learn About Nousbo CRF through Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Does fall applied HI-COTE continue to work the following spring?

→ Yes, fall-applied Hi-Cote continues to work the following spring. We recommend applying Hi-Cote 2-3 inches below where the spring seeds will be planted. The nutrients begin to release after the soil temperature reaches seed sprouting levels, typically about 2 to 3 weeks after planting. This ensures that the fertilizer follows the growth pattern of the plants and prevents burning the seeds.

Can HI-COTE be applied in the fall?

→ Yes, Hi-Cote can be effectively applied in the fall, and we recommend our “Smart Fall Application” technique. This involves applying Hi-Cote in a furrow 2-3 inches below where the spring seeds will be planted. This method has shown excellent results in reducing the total nitrogen application rate while achieving as good or better yields compared to normal urea, UAN, or UAN split applications.

Fall application of Hi-Cote is particularly beneficial in areas where fall N application is acceptable based on soil type, environmental conditions, and cropping system. The advanced polymer coating of Hi-Cote protects the nitrogen through cold winter periods, reducing the risk of N loss and improving nitrogen-use efficiency. However, in regions that remain warm and wet through winter and early spring, fall application may not be suitable. In these cases, consider consulting with a Hi-Cote representative for tailored recommendations.

What is the maximum rate at which I can apply HI-COTE in corn without injuring the seed?

→ Based on our testing, Hi-Cote can be safely applied at rates up to 150% of the current urea usage without injuring the seed. Applying more than 2 times the current urea use rate did not show additional yield benefits, as the effectiveness levels off when nitrogen amounts become excessive. For optimal results, we recommend adhering to the tested safe rate to maximize efficiency and avoid unnecessary fertilizer use.

Can I be more profitable by saving money and using a lower percentage of HI-COTE in my blends?

→ Using Hi-Cote according to local recommendations can reduce nitrogen loss and decrease the total amount of nitrogen needed compared to conventional applications. By aligning with the local environment’s needs, Hi-Cote can enhance nitrogen efficiency and potentially lead to cost savings.

How deeply do I need to incorporate HI-COTE?

→ For fall applications, we recommend applying Hi-Cote in the furrow, 2-3 inches deeper than where the seeds will be placed. This ensures effective nutrient release and good contact with the soil.

If HI-COTE is more efficient, can I reduce the amount of nitrogen I apply?

→ Yes, you can reduce the amount of nitrogen when using Hi-Cote if applied correctly. Research from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) has shown that a one-time fall application of Hi-Cote can maintain crop yields with a lower nitrogen application rate compared to conventional nitrogen sources. This efficiency allows for a reduction in the total amount of nitrogen used, leading to cost savings and improved environmental outcomes.

Does the polymer release nitrogen from day 50 to day 80 or does it release from day 1 to day 80?

→ Hi-Cote is designed for a one-time application, allowing simultaneous fertilization and seeding without burning the seeds. The coating is engineered to delay nutrient release until the seed sprouting moment. Once it starts, Hi-Cote releases nitrogen in sync with the plant’s uptake rate for up to 120 days, ensuring nutrients are available when needed most throughout the growing stage.

Are all granules equally coated?

→ Hi-Cote granules are coated using a fluid bed technique, which ensures a more even distribution of the coating across each granule. This advanced method minimizes initial dumping and abrasion, providing consistent release rates and improved performance compared to conventional coated fertilizers. Our in-house lab continuously monitors product quality to meet our high standards.

How do drought and flood conditions affect the release of nitrogen from HI-COTE?

→ Hi-Cote requires some moisture to initiate the release process by dissolving the nitrogen inside the coating. However, the release rate is primarily controlled by soil temperature, not moisture levels. In drought conditions, the release process may slow if the soil becomes extremely dry. In flood conditions, Hi-Cote continues to protect nitrogen effectively, maintaining a consistent release rate. This makes Hi-Cote more reliable than conventional fertilizers and inhibitors, which can be adversely affected by excess moisture.

At what temperature does HI-COTE begin to release? Does HI-COTE release N below 50 degrees F?

→ Hi-Cote is designed to begin releasing nitrogen at the seed sprouting temperature, which is typically around 50 degrees F. Below this temperature, the release of nitrogen is very slow to protect it when crops are growing slowly. The release rate increases gradually as the temperature rises, aligning with the crop’s nitrogen demand throughout the growing season.

How much N is available when HI-COTE is first applied?

→ Hi-Cote is designed to delay nutrient release until the seed sprouting moment, meaning that immediate nitrogen is not available when it is first applied. This ensures that nitrogen is released in sync with the crop’s growth and nutrient uptake needs, avoiding any potential for seed burn or early nitrogen loss.

Does HI-COTE release too quickly to be applied pre-plant?

→ Hi-Cote is ideally designed for fall application. To prevent releasing nitrogen too quickly, Hi-Cote incorporates a staged release mechanism. This ensures that nitrogen release is delayed until the seed sprouting moment and continues in sync with the plant’s growth and nutrient uptake needs throughout the growing season. This controlled release mechanism makes Hi-Cote highly effective for pre-plant applications, providing optimal nitrogen availability when the crop needs it most.

If nitrogen in HI-COTE releases as urea, does it volatilize in the same way as urea when left on the surface?

→ No, Hi-Cote protects against volatilization more effectively than urease inhibitors. The controlled release mechanism ensures that only small amounts of urea are released at a time, maintaining a lower concentration and preventing the temporary rise in pH around the fertilizer granule that causes ammonia volatilization.

What happens if HI-COTE freezes?

→ Freezing temperatures virtually stop the release from Hi-Cote. The diffusion process halts, and if some nitrogen has already begun to dissolve, its release through the coating also ceases. If Hi-Cote has not yet hydrated, the nitrogen inside will remain solid until temperatures warm enough for diffusion to resume. Hi-Cote granules do not rupture, burst, or disintegrate upon freezing, making them an excellent choice for fall applications in areas with frozen winter soils.

Where is HI-COTE made?

→ Hi-Cote is professionally manufactured in South Korea, ensuring high-quality standards and advanced production techniques.

How long can HI-COTE be stored?

→ Hi-Cote can be stored indefinitely if kept dry, as it does not absorb moisture from the air. It remains free-flowing even after extended storage and can improve the condition and flowability of blended fertilizers.


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