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Hi-Cote is a specialized fertilizer covered with a material that facilitates the gradual release of nutrients, ensuring a continuous and optimal nutrient supply throughout the plant's growth period.

Controlled Release Fertilizer

Hi-Cote is a polymer-coated fertilizer, thoughtfully crafted to enhance nutrient delivery to your crops. By employing a specialized floating-bed coating technique, we ensure each granule is evenly coated, leading to a more onsistent nutrient release. This attention to detail helps to significantly reduce the risk of fertilizer dumping, a challenge often faced during extreme weather conditions. With Hi-Cote, you’re not just fertilizing your crops, you’re investing in a legacy of rich, sustainable growth for years to come.

Key Features

  • Solid and uniform polymer coating allows for precisely controlled nutrient release over time.
  • Suppresses early nutrient release to prevent seed damage caused by N (Sigmoid type).
  • Customizable formula available for varying temperature and moisture level up to 360 days.
  • Decreases nitrogen leaching and volatilization.
  • Available with DAP, MAP, SOP, MOP, and urea.

Hi-COTE Coating Process

The CRF Coating Process involves spraying of coating material onto a fertilizer granule, resulting in the formation of a coating capsule.
The uniformity and accuracy of Nousbo CRF are achieved through the application of a special coating technology.

01. Spraying

02. Adhesion

03. Coated Particle

How do CRFs work?

Nutrient release of Hi-COTE

Nutrient release of the CRF occurs in three steps: Moisture penetration into the capsule; Fertilizer Dissolution; Nutrients release by osmotic pressure. When granules are applied to the soil, water penetrates into the granules and dissolves nutrients, which are later gradually release into the soil.


Moisture Penetration


Fertilizer dissolving


Nutrients Release

Growth Pattern Alignment

Nutrients release after the temperature reaches seed sprouting levels and follow the corn growth pattern.

The coating material controls water penetration and availability of nutrients in forms preferred by plants, that result in maximizing crop yields. Compared to slow release fertilizer, CRF is not affected by soil pH, salt damage, activity of microorganisms, oxidation, etc.

Why Should use CRF?

Quality control

  • Precise and uniform coating technology
  • Guaranteed longevity (according to plant needs)

High Fertilizer Utilization and
Economical Efficiency

  • Increases utilization by reducing fertilizer loss (leaching, volatilization, etc.)
  • Reduces total fertilizer use

Labor Saving

  • One time application provides all NPK requirements until harvesting
  • Eliminates the need for additional top dressing


  • Reduces groundwater pollution
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emission


Learn About Nousbo CRF through Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

How does the release mechanism of CRF fertilizer work?

Release Mechanism of CRF

① Moisture enters the capsule
② Moisture causes the fertilizer to dissolve, creating pressure inside the coating
③ Increased pressure inside the coating causes the dissolved fertilizer solution to be released from the coating.
④ The above process (②~③) repeats continuously, resulting in the release of fertilizer from the coating.

Nutrient release of Nousbo's Hi-COTE CRF

What are the advantages of the CRF dibbling application method?

Advantage 1
  • CRF is a fertilizer that maximizes fertilizer efficiency and provides nutrients throughout the crop’s entire growth period with a single dibbling application.
  • CRF is a labor-saving fertilizer that reduces the fertilization frequency for pepper cultivation by 75% compared to conventional practices.
  • Conventional Cultivation Method] 4 fertilizations per season (1 basal dressing + 3 top dressings)  ⇨  CRF Fertilization] 1 dibbling application (CRF dibbling application)
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Advantage 2
  • Maximizing fertilizer efficiency to the highest global standardsFor conventional fertilizer application, the nitrogen utilization rate by crops is approximately 27%. However, for CRF dibbling method fertilizers, the utilization rate is around 83%.
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Advantage 3
  • CRF fertilizer minimizes environmental energy consumption.  CRF fertilizer optimizes nutrient utilization, reducing fertilizer usage and minimizing issues such as greenhouse gas emissions and nonpoint source pollution.
  • According to the Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, CRF fertilizer reduces greenhouse gas (N2O) emissions by an average of 78% and nonpoint source pollution by an average of 89% compared to traditional methods.
    (*Nonpoint source pollution: Pollution that occurs when rainwater washes trash, animal waste, motor oil, sediment, and fertilizer components into rivers or the sea through widespread discharge pathways.)
Advantage 4
  • Technology that no one else in the world has achievedTypically, applying nitrogen fertilizer directly to the root zone can cause damage due to over-supply. However, Nousbo’s CRF fertilizer, which boasts unique products and advanced technology, releases nutrients in sync with the crop’s growth, preventing any damage to the crops.

Why does fertilizer reduction occur?

Directly applying fertilizer to the root zone of crops significantly reduces the amount of fertilizer needed.


  • By supplying only the necessary amount of fertilizer to the root zone of the plants, we have eliminated the unnecessary use of fertilizer that crops cannot utilize in conventional fertilization practices. (There is no fertilizer application between rows and between plants.)
  • When conventional fertilizers are applied to the root zone, crops may die or suffer harm. However, with Nousbo’s CRF dibbling method, which employs a unique coating technique, only the required amount of nutrients is released when needed by the crops, minimizing any harm.

Differentiation from other CRF products

Product Characteristics Comparison


1) Comparison between Nousbo’s Controlled Release Fertilizer and competitor’s products
①  Nousbo’s CRFs employ a sigmoid-type coating technology: Dibbling allows for fertilizer application to the root zone when seedlings are weak, ensuring gradual release of nutrients after crop establishment. Fertilizer demand increases approximately two weeks after establishment, promoting crop growth by providing substantial nutrient release
② Issues with release of Linear-type competitive products:
• Excessive release during the seedling stage compared to root zone application
• Limited release after approximately two weeks post-establishment, leading to poor crop growth

2) BB-type fertilizers release nutrients according to crop requirements.
• Each crop requires specific amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium at different times. CRF fertilizers coat each nutrient separately, allowing for customized nutrient supply based on crop needs and timing.
• Tailored nutrient release minimizes fertilizer usage

3) Customized Products for Different Crops
• Each crop has unique fertilizer requirements, timing preferences, and growth periods
• CRFs offer adjustable nutrient release rates through Sigmoid and BB types, enabling product design tailored to crop growth stages
• Competitor’s products typically come in Linear and Mono types, providing steady N, P, K supply without custom design capabilities or the ability to increase fertilizer supply during periods of high crop nutrient demand.

How do the coating types differ?

Product Characteristics Comparison
Linear Type Sigmoid Type
Release period is controlled by the thickness of the coating. A thinner coating results in faster release, while a thicker coating extends the release period. Coating method remains the same, but different coating materials are used to implement Sigmoid-type coating technology.
Nousbo’s Controlled Release Fertilizers maximize nutrient content by varying the coating release period through differences in coating materials. Nousbo’s Sigmoid coated fertilizers are produced using proprietary coating materials unique to Nousbo.

Can a single application really last until harvest without any issues?

Through hundreds of trials in Korea, it has been confirmed that Nousbo’s currently available product can indeed last until harvest with just a single application.
  • Sigmoid-type coating method ensures safety from early-stage nutrient burn even when applied to the root zone, and supplies more fertilizer during the growth phase, promoting excellent crop growth.
  • Each nutrient (N, P, K) is released at rates tailored to the specific needs of the crop, ensuring that nutrients are available when needed.
  • Products are formulated with the necessary nutrients for different types of crops: vegetables, leafy greens, and grains.

* While local temperatures and cultivation methods may vary slightly, adjusting the application rate slightly according to the crop’s growth needs should ensure a successful harvest without any issues.

Is it necessary to adjust fertilizer components according to soil fertility?

Generally, products are tailored to the fertilizer requirements of the crop, so they are not significantly affected by soil fertilityth just a single application.
  • Nitrogen: It is the component that has the greatest impact on crop growth, and even after the growing season ends, a significant amount is lost due to volatilization, leaching, and denitrification, leading to minimal accumulation in the soil. Therefore, it needs to be supplied annually at a certain rate. Hence, the presence of nitrogen-rich soils is not common, so recommending the application rate of CRF fertilizers poses no issues.
  • Phosphorus, Potassium: These components are greatly influenced by soil fertility. However, potassium and phosphorus exist in the soil in an insoluble state, but as plants grow, their roots convert this insoluble form into an available form, resulting in minimal problems. Especially in Korea, there is an excessive accumulation of available phosphorus, so CRF fertilizers are formulated taking this into account.
  • Additionally, these components (phosphorus, potassium, etc.) are being highly concentrated, leading to salt damage in greenhouse cultivation areas. However, using dibbling fertilizers minimizes the application rate, thereby reducing the risk of salt damage in greenhouse cultivation areas.

Will there be a fertilizer shortage in the soil next year?

Products tailored to the fertilizer requirements of crops ensure that the amount applied is sufficient for adequate crop growth, thus avoiding any issues with soil nutrient deficiencies in the following year.
  • However, the fertilizer application quantity may vary depending on the presence or absence of organic matter supply.

If you provide us with information about the target crops and fertilizer quantities for crops other than those currently treated with CRF fertilizer, customized CRF fertilizer design is possible. Please discuss with Nousbo Co., Ltd.

Does the coating material (polymer) disappear in the soil?

The polymer used in coated fertilizers does not decompose in the soil
  • Currently, the coating material of all CRF fertilizers worldwide does not decompose in the soil.
  • Although the global usage is still low, concerns about polymer decomposition are minimal.

However, Nousbo has minimized polymer usage by reducing fertilizer application rates.
Nevertheless, with the increasing use of CRFs or continued application, concerns about polymer issues arise. Therefore, Nousbo has jointly applied for a patent with South Korean government agencies for biodegradable coating of fertilizers that decompose in the soil.

Is there no microplastic issue?

  • Furthermore, dibbling fertilizers, applied directly to the root zone, minimize surface treatment or runoff, thereby substantially decreasing the chances of entering marine environments and mitigating related issues.
  • The current global utilization of CRFs hasn’t been extensive enough to trigger significant concerns about microplastics

Explanation on the accuracy of release periods

  • The release period is determined by the point at which 80% of the coated fertilizer components are released under conditions of 25°C and submersion.
    (*The margin of error for the release period is ±10 days.)

Are there any changes in release depending on temperature and humidity?

  • Generally, when the temperature increases by 10°C from 25°C, the release rate doubles. However, this may vary depending on the coating material.
    For example, at 25°C: release period is 90 days / at 35°C: release period is 45 days.
  • Conversely, when the temperature decreases by 10°C from 25°C, the release rate decreases twice
    For example, at 25°C: release period is 90 days / at 15°C: release period is 180 days.
  • No release occurs at temperatures below 5°C
  • If there is no humidity, there will be no release. However, under soil moisture conditions, the release occurs adequately, ensuring no issues. In other words, under the soil moisture conditions conducive to crop growth, fertilizer release occurs sufficiently.
  • However, when applying fertilizer on the surface without burying it in the soil, the release depends on the humidity in the air, which may result in lower fertilizer release. Therefore, it is essential to apply the fertilizer in the soil







13-5-6+ME / 2~3months





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